You don’t have a lot of time left to learn Portuguese before the World Cup.
If you’d like to be able to connect with Brazilians when you get to Brazil you can get pretty far with just one word.
Watch the video to learn what the word is.
If for whatever reason you’re only going to learn one word in Portuguese, make sure it’s the word for cool.
In Brazil it’s socially acceptable to use the word cool in a lot of different situations.
You can greet someone by saying cool.
You can say goodbye by saying cool.
You can tell someone you think they are cool.
You can let the waiter know that the food is good by saying cool.
You can use cool as every word in conversation.
If you only learn this word, it will get you farther than any other single word could.
Watch the video above to learn how to pronounce cool. Then come back and leave a comment letting us know how you used cool.
If you want to go beyond just one word, check out our online Brazilian Portuguese courses.