In moments of grief and remembrance, cultures around the world have phrases that offer solace and respect to the departed. In English, one such phrase is “Rest in Peace.” But how do you convey this sentiment in the beautiful language of Portuguese?

The answer is “Descanse em paz.” Pronounced as “desh-CAN-seh em paz,” this phrase carries the same weight and significance as its English counterpart. It’s a gentle wish, hoping that the soul of the departed finds peace and tranquility in the afterlife.

The word “descanse” comes from the verb “descansar,” meaning “to rest.” Combined with “em paz,” which translates to “in peace,” the phrase becomes a direct and heartfelt expression of condolence.

In both Brazilian and European Portuguese variants, “Descanse em paz” is widely understood and used. Whether written on memorial plaques, said during eulogies, or shared in moments of quiet reflection, it’s a testament to the universal human desire to wish peace for those who have passed on.

So, the next time you find yourself in a Portuguese-speaking community or environment, remembering a loved one or expressing condolences, “Descanse em paz” will convey your sentiments with grace and sincerity.

Josh Plotkin Changed status to publish August 25, 2023